YTube Vid of the Week: How To Pick A Side Chick

The ultimate problem in people’s relationships seem to be the presence of another person smacked right in the middle, or should I say side? For so many people to be grown, there are multiple people who cheat. Is that a grown person activity nowadays? I can look at my Twitter time line and pick at least 5 tweets in the last hour about someone speaking about how to treat a “wifey,” or the definition of what “thot” may be. But what takes the cake is the presence of side chick memes down my Twitter feed.

Side chick lifestyles are being glorified and this has been going on since 2011-2012. Does that come as a surprise to anyone? There’s no secret to these women, or men, tactics! I can literally learn how to become a side chick if I turned on the TV. Even on one of America’s favorite shows, there’s a side chick who is glorified for her adulteress lifestyle (Keri Washington on Scandal).

I don’t condone cheating. It’s bad but it happens in this society. That’s why I chose to use this video as YTube Vid of the Week. Chynadoll21388 explains the rules so well. If a person was to never get caught, they’d follow these rules without any hesitation. Watch the video below.

Watch the last Ytube Vid of the Week: Mean Gurlz on Doc’s Castle Media.

One thought on “YTube Vid of the Week: How To Pick A Side Chick

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